Why Good Accounting is One of Your Most Important Resources

Automotive and Car Dealership Accounting

Operating an automotive dealership is different from that of any other type of organization. Profit is driven both by sales volume and customer service, but innumerable additional factors and variables come into play, including many that are out of management’s control. From gas prices and competitors to interest rates and recalls, it is essential that the professionals who provide your accounting and tax services understand your business. Moore Accounting Experts LLC has been serving both individual dealers and major dealership groups for many years and has the experience and industry-specific knowledge you need to be sure you are being well served.

Our services are comprehensive and include bookkeeping, tax preparation, auditing and business consultation. By choosing a firm that focuses on your industry, you can be certain that the guidance you receive will be based on up-to-date, targeted information and strategies that get to the heart of your specific needs.

  • Consultation and review on §263a Cost Capitalization 

  • Cost segregation analysis

  • Assessments of dealer discounts and other invoice issues

  • Consultation regarding fixed assets

  • LIFO accounting

  • Tax examination representation 

  • Review and guidance regarding sales tax and demonstration vehicles

  • Review and guidance regarding trade discounts

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